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Symposium Accessibility

We value everyone being able to participate in the Symposium on Dis/Ability and Debility in Appalachia. In order to be accessible to as many attendees as possible, this event will be hybrid with both in-person and online access to all content available, and we are working to ensure quality experience for both in-person and online attendees. American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation and CART (Communication Access Realtime Translation) services will be available for those who need it.

Presenters (both in person and online) are asked to limit the presence of flashing lights and sudden sounds in their presentations (and give adequate warning in advance), describe any visual content seen as important to their presentation, and to give trigger or content warnings when relevant. (A list of common content warnings can be found at More information with specific guidelines will be sent to presenters prior to the Symposium.


In Person

The Healthy Kentucky Research Building has parking for those with a disability parking placard in the lot in front of the building for your convenience. There are bathrooms on every floor, a sensory safe room on the second floor (room number TBD), and a lactation room on the third floor (room 305). 

For the safety of immunocompromised and COVID-conscious guests, there will be an air purifier in the main conference room, and we will be handing out face masks. We highly recommend that anyone who can wear a mask or face covering does so out of respect for these guests. We also ask that in-person attendees avoid using aerosol sprays on the premises or using any overly fragrant perfumes or body sprays.


We are working to provide an accessible experience for our online guests, ensuring equitable information exchange across online and in-person modalities. Specifics regarding the online platform and formatting are forthcoming; please review this website closer to the date of the symposium for further information.


We are enthusiastic to consult with guests to provide additional accommodations in order to meet everyone’s needs and enable all attendees to participate to the best of their abilities. Some common accommodations that we can provide upon request are (but are not limited to):

  • Interpretation into another (spoken or signed) language
  • Accommodations and/or flexibility for religious observances
  • Additional trigger or content warnings
  • Audio amplification or assistive listening devices
  • Large-font print outs
  • Audiovisual descriptions
  • Accommodating specific dietary needs, smell sensitivities, allergens, and migraine triggers
  • Assistance connecting to funding, transportation, childcare, and other potential resources to enable participation


For specific accessibility requests or concerns, please email or call at 859-257-4852. Please also let us know if there are any other ways in which we can promote inclusion and accessibility at the Symposium on Dis/Ability and Debility in Appalachia.