Join us at the UK Appalachian Center March 7, 2019 10-11AM as we welcome our visiting scholar, Marianne Kongerslev. Marianne (PhD, University of Southern Denmark, 2016) is Assistant Professor of Anglophone literature and cultural studies at Aalborg University, Denmark. She has previously carried out research on Native American literature, US popular culture, gender studies, and critical race studies, and she has previously taught US cultural studies at Copenhagen Business School, University of Southern Denmark, and Aarhus University. From 2014-15, she was visiting student researcher at UC Berkeley. She recently started researching affect and precarity in US literatures and culture, in a project funded by the Carlsberg Foundation. She will be visiting the Appalachian Center from March until May, 2019. Coffee, tea, and light refreshments will be served.
Coffee Hour with Marianne Kongerslev
UK Appalachian Center
Intended Audience:
Open to Public
Event Series: