Talking About the Black Experience in Kentucky- Why is it urgent to have this conversation now? Dr. George Wright, noted author and incoming Visiting Professor of History at the University of Kentucky, hosted an interactive webinar exploring the Black experience in Kentucky in dialogue with Judi Jennings and Sharyn Mitchell.
This online webinar hosted by the University of Kentucky Appalachian Center took place Saturday, March 30, 2019 from 4:00-5:00 pm. It was also available through the University of Kentucky Appalachian Center Facebook Page and has been featured on the May 2019 issue of Balancing the Scales.
Participant Bios
Dr. George Wright is the author of three books written from his unique perspective as a native Kentuckian: “A History of Blacks in Kentucky: In Pursuit of Equality, 1890-1980, Volume II; Racial Violence in Kentucky, 1865-1940: Lynchings, Mob Rule and "Legal Lynchings," and Life Behind a Veil: Blacks in Louisville, Kentucky, 1865-1930. He will be a Visiting Professor at the University of Kentucky in Fall 2019 and Spring 2020.
Dr. Judith Jennings, also a native Kentuckian, first met George Wright when they were graduate students in history at UK. Jennings has written on the abolition of the British slave trade and co-edited Helen Matthews Lewis: Living Social Justice in Appalachia.
Sharyn Mitchell is from central Kentucky and is currently the Research Services Specialist at the Special Collections & Archives at Berea College. She is on the board of the Madison County Historical Society and President and Co-Founder of the African American Genealogy Group of Kentucky.
This webinar is partially funded by ARTWORKS, a program of the National Endowment for the Arts.
University of Kentucky Appalachian Center & Appalachian Studies Program