graduate appalachian research community
Appalachian Research Symposium and Arts Showcase
This will be the 7th annual Graduate Appalachian Research Symposium and Arts Showcase! This event brings students from across UK's Campus and from throughout the Appalachian Region together to present their work and research, and the theme is Difference and Affinity: Representing Appalachia. This year's keynote speaker is Tom Hansell, Co-Director of University Documentary Film Services and Assistant Professor at the Center for Appalachian Studies at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina and Director of After Coal. The Symposium will span two days this year: Saturday, March 5, 2016 and Sunday, March 6, 2016 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on both days. Poster submissions are due online by midnight on Sunday, January 31, 2016. Registration for presenters and non-presenting attendees is due online by Monday, February 15, 2016. Please, see the GARC page on our website for more information and for submission and registration instructions! This year's Symposium and Art Showcase is generously co-sponsored by the UK Student Government Association.
***EVENT CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER***6th Annual Appalachian Research Community Symposium and Arts Showcase
***THIS EVENT IS CANCELLED DUE TO DANGEROUS WEATHER CONDITIONS. WE WILL RESCHEDULE AND POST UPDATES WHEN PLANS ARE FINALIZED*** The University of Kentucky Graduate Appalachian Research Community presents the 6th Annual UK Appalachian Research Community Symposium and Arts Showcase on Saturday, March 7, 2015 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the William T. Young Library. This year's keynote speaker is Lisa Conley, Ph.D. Her research interests focus on foodways, environmental sustainability, and local food politics in motivating the self-provisioning practices of people in rural and urban Kentucky. Please, find more information about registration or proposal submition here: The deadline to submit abstracts is February 15, 2015. Registration for presenters and non-presenters is free. Undergraduate and Graduate students are welcome to register.
UK Appalachian Research Symposium and Arts Showcase Now Accepting Submissions
6th Annual UK Graduate Appalachian Research Community Symposium & Arts Showcase
This is the 6th Annual GARC Symposium and Art Showcase. Graduates students with research and/or artistic interests in Appalachia are encouraged to submit proposals via the website. This is an opportunity for students to present their work on Saturday, April 18, 2015 at the W. T. Young Library, Room B108-C on UK's Campus. This event is planned by members of GARC (Graduate Appalachian Research Community), with support from the UK Appalachian Center. The times listed above are tentative for the event, and this page will be updated continually. Please, see the GARC page on this website for more information, the Call for Participation, and to submit your proposal: The deadline for porposals is February 15, 2015.